
Showing posts from February, 2019

Confidentiality Agreement for Patent to Secure New Invention

Whether your new product or other invention came to fruition from a sudden glimmer of motivation or was the result of numerous long stretches of sweat and tears, you might be impatient to ensure this intellectual property you have created, and restricting others from stealing it. If you have an incredible idea, you'll need to protect it. Patents secure new inventions and are intended to reward inventors by giving a restraining means to check commercial exploitation of the invention for a limited period. The individual or organization shall apply for the patent for their particular invention as soon possible because once the innovation is out to the market, advertised, utilized, or even disclosed, its inventor may lose the right to acquire a patent for it. It can still be validly applied if it is revealed to anyone in conditions of confidentiality, and the information is disclosed to the public in breach of confidence.